# A list of my publications

Unfortunatelly it's difficult to provide PDFs here since it's not completely clear who owns the copyright of the published version and I don't want to be subject of any legal matter.

But you will find them in e.g. Google Scholar.

# As first author

  • Bender, P., Ziegler, J., & Stiller, C. (2014, June). Lanelets: Efficient map representation for autonomous driving. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 2014 IEEE (pp. 420-425). IEEE.
  • Bender, P., Tas, Ö. S., Ziegler, J., & Stiller, C. (2015, June). The combinatorial aspect of motion planning: Maneuver variants in structured environments. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (pp. 1386-1392).
  • Bender, P., & Stiller, C. Trajektorienplanung: Manöveridentifikation anhand der Topologie des Freiraums. In 10. Workshop Fahrerassistenz-systeme (p. 51).

# As second or third author

  • Ziegler, J., Bender, P., Schreiber, M., Lategahn, H., Strauss, T., Stiller, C., ... & Kaus, E. (2014). Making Bertha Drive-An Autonomous Journey on a Historic Route. IEEE Intell. Transport. Syst. Mag., 6(2), 8-20.
  • Ziegler, J., Bender, P., Dang, T., & Stiller, C. (2014, June). Trajectory planning for Bertha—A local, continuous method. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 2014 IEEE (pp. 450-457). IEEE.
  • Ziegler, J., Bender, P., Lategahn, H., Schreiber, M., Strauß, T., & Stiller, C. (2014, April). Kartengestütztes automatisiertes fahren auf der bertha-benz-route von mannheim nach pforzheim. In Workshop Fahrerassistenzsysteme. Walting, Germany (Vol. 496).
  • Dang, T., Lauer, M., Bender, P., Schreiber, M., Ziegler, J., Franke, U., ... & Kaus, E. (2015). Autonomes Fahren auf der historischen Bertha-Benz-Route. tm-Technisches Messen, 82(5), 280-297.
  • Rehder, E., Kinzig, C., Bender, P., & Lauer, M. (2017, June). Online stereo camera calibration from scratch. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2017 IEEE (pp. 1694-1699). IEEE.

# What has been published about the 2013 Bertha Benz Memorial Drive

Heads Up!

These are not my publications, but it is material about a project where I contributed substantional parts as employee of FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik. See the list above to find out more. I place the links here to put the publications above into a context.